106 Results for:

June 27, 2019

Solving the Identity-Protection Problem by Bringing the Post Office Into the Digital Age

Revamping the U.S. Postal Service could help solve long-standing problems with validating identities in the digital realm and make email a true substitute for physical mail.

Low-angle view of post office against blue sky.

March 7, 2012

Addressing the Risk of a Cuban Oil Spill

The imminent drilling of Cuba's first offshore oil well raises the prospect of a large-scale oil spill in Cuban waters washing onto U.S. shores. Washington should anticipate this possibility by imple…

Addressing the Risk of a Cuban Oil Spill header

August 9, 2012

Zimbabwe: An Opportunity for Closer U.S.-South Africa Relations

As Zimbabwe moves closer to elections, the prospect for political violence, even civil war, grows. President Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and Prime Minist…

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October 27, 2014

A Paris Club for Europe

Europe's strategy for solving its debt woes has the problem exactly backwards. A gaping hole in Europe's policy response to date is its unwillingness to reduce excessive levels of corporate, bank, an…

A Paris Club for Europe header

April 15, 2011

Rethinking Peacemaking in Darfur

Across eight years, two administrations, and the direct interventions of a deputy secretary of state and three special envoys, U.S. attempts to promote a lasting peace for Darfur have failed. The mos…

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