112 Results for:

February 19, 2014

Countering Terrorism: An Institution-Building Approach for Yemen

Benn Steil and Dinah Walker argue that the ECB's bank stress tests will roil rather than calm markets if recapitalization funds are not set aside in advance, as they were in the case of the highly successful U.S. tests in 2009.

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March 7, 2012

Addressing the Risk of a Cuban Oil Spill

The imminent drilling of Cuba's first offshore oil well raises the prospect of a large-scale oil spill in Cuban waters washing onto U.S. shores. Washington should anticipate this possibility by imple…

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December 5, 2012

Security Alliances
Refocusing U.S.-Mexico Security Cooperation

U.S.-Mexico security cooperation, led by the Merida Initiative, is vital and must continue. But with Enrique Pena Nieto's inauguration, Mexico's political landscape is now changing, and the United St…

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June 22, 2011

Conflict Prevention
Enhancing U.S. Crisis Preparedness

Introduction The Obama administration was caught flatfooted by the recent Arab Spring uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa. Not only did the intelligence community fail to warn senior off…

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July 8, 2013

Fossil Fuels
The Case for Allowing U.S. Crude Oil Exports

Federal lawmakers should overturn the ban on exporting crude oil produced in the United States. As recently as half a decade ago, oil companies had no interest in exporting U.S. crude oil, but that h…

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