10 Results for:

July 9, 2018

Middle East and North Africa
Realism and Democracy

Teaching Notes for Realism and Democracy, written by CFR Senior Fellow Elliott Abrams, on U.S. foreign policy that combines practical policies and idealism in supporting those struggling for democracy and human rights in the Arab world.

Teaching Notes for Realism and Democracy by Elliott Abrams

February 19, 2019

Refugees and Displaced Persons
Teaching Notes: No Refuge

Teaching Notes for CFR's InfoGuide on No Refuge by Anne Richards.

No Refuge

July 26, 2018

Conflict Prevention
Preventive Engagement

Teaching Notes for Preventive Engagement, written by CFR Senior Fellow Paul Stares, in which he provides a comprehensive blueprint for how the United States can manage a more turbulent world.

Teaching Notes for Preventive Engagement by Paul B. Stares

November 1, 2017

United States
VICE Special Report: A World in Disarray

Teaching Notes for the VICE Special Report from HBO based on the book A World in Disarray written by CFR President Richard Haass.

VICE Special Report: A World in Disarray

May 1, 2014

Teaching Notes: What to Do About Syria

Three experts join CFR President Richard N. Haass to outline the courses of action available to the United States and debate whether U.S. intervention in Syria would be desirable or effective in this…

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