51 Results for:

September 22, 2011

States on China’s Periphery Are Potential Source of Regional Instability, Warn Asia Experts at the Council on Foreign Relations

In this new memoranda series, four CFR fellows focus on crisis triggers, analyze where U.S. and Chinese interests converge and diverge, and present policy options for preventing such crises and mitig…

November 21, 2014

New Report Urges President Obama to Establish "Rules of the Road" to Limit Drone Proliferation

The Obama administration should pursue a strategy that places clear limits on its own sale and use of armed drones lest these weapons proliferate and their use becomes widespread. These are the centr…

January 13, 2004

U.S. Should Rush New Aid to Georgia, Press Russia to Close Bases and Internationalize Its Force Presence, Concludes Council’s Rapid Response Conflict Prevention Assessment

January 13, 2004 - Though Georgia’s “revolution of roses” is the most positive event in this post-Soviet space in over a decade, Georgia is entering an unstable period of transition as the new govern…

December 5, 2008

Middle East and North Africa
Beyond Iraq: Haass and Indyk on a New Mideast Strategy for the Obama Administration

U.S. policy toward the Middle East has been dominated by Iraq for the last six years, but this is no longer necessary. Instead, the United States should focus on curtailing Iran’s nuclear program and…

October 6, 2011

In New Book, CFR’s Steven Cook Writes Egypt’s 2011 Revolt Was “If Not Predictable, Inevitable”

CFR senior fellow Steven Cook traces the “stirrings of Egyptian nationalism” back to the 1880s and culminates with the events in Tahrir Square in early 2011. He chronicles the end of the British occu…