1,195 Results for:

October 21, 2009

Israeli Innovation a Model for United States, Say Senor and Singer in New CFR Book

"The West needs innovation; Israel’s got it," write Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Adjunct Senior Fellow Dan Senor and the Jerusalem Post’s Saul Singer, in Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s …

January 21, 2014

United States Should Include Pakistan in its Rebalance Policy Toward Asia, Argues CFR Special Report

As U.S. and coalition forces prepare to draw down troops in Afghanistan, a new report urges Washington to view Pakistan not solely or even principally in the context of U.S.-Afghanistan policy, but r…

November 1, 2017

CFR Tracker Documents Rise in States Sponsoring Cyberattacks

The number of countries sponsoring cyber operations is rising, reveals a new Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Cyber Operations Tracker that catalogs nearly two hundred state-sponsored cyber inciden…

January 12, 2016

Middle East and North Africa
The State of the Union Address: Resources From CFR and Foreign Affairs

As President Barack Obama prepares to deliver his seventh and final State of the Union Address on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Foreign Affairs offer resources…

November 13, 2015

CFR Task Force Says Strengthening Economic Ties in a “Joint Venture” With India Should Be a Top Priority for the United States

“A rising India offers one of the most substantial opportunities to advance American national interests over the next two decades,” asserts a new Independent Task Force report sponsored by the Counci…