18 Results for:

March 8, 2019

Energy and Environment
The Tech-Enabled Energy Future

A new wave of energy innovation is remaking the transportation, electricity, and manufacturing sectors. This revolution is already creating uncertainty about the future energy landscape, lessening common interests between oil producing nations and the world’s largest economies.

NuTonomy’s driverless car, the first to launch in Boston, takes a spin around Drydock Avenue in South Boston, on January 4, 2017.

September 10, 2019

Climate Change
Impact of Climate Risk on the Energy System

Climate change poses risks to energy security, financial markets, and national security. Energy companies and local, state, and federal governments need to better prepare to face these challenges.

June 24, 2013

Addressing Cyber Threats to Oil and Gas Suppliers

Overview In this Energy Brief, Blake Clayton and Adam Segal argue that cyber threats to oil and gas suppliers pose an increasingly challenging problem for U.S. national security and economic compe…

Addressing Cyber Threats to Oil and Gas Suppliers header

November 4, 2010

Energy and Climate Policy
Energy Innovation

Overview Low-carbon technology innovation and diffusion are both essential aspects of an effective response to climate change. Studying China, India, and Brazil, Michael A. Levi, Elizabeth C. Econ…

September 19, 2016

Using Incentives to Shape the Zero-Day Market

In early 2016, the Federal Bureau of Investigation reportedly paid more than $1.3 million for a software flaw that allowed it to unlock an iPhone without Apple’s assistance. The purchase was possible…
