18 Results for:

April 6, 2020

Can the World Alleviate Idlib’s Humanitarian Disaster Amid a Pandemic?

At the outset of 2020, the conflict in Idlib province was emerging as the worst humanitarian crisis of Syria’s nine-year war. Now, the coronavirus pandemic has made relief efforts even more difficult…

November 5, 2019

Who’s Who in Northern Syria?

With Turkey’s latest military offensive, here’s a rundown of the different forces in the region.

October 28, 2019

Islamic State
Islamic State Leader’s Death Does Little to Ease Syria Concerns

A U.S. military operation that eliminated Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is welcome but fails to allay worries about the security vacuum caused by the removal of U.S. troops from northern …

November 29, 2018

Trump and Putin at the G20: No More Smiles

The United States and Russia are at odds on so many issues that the upcoming summit could convince their two presidents to give up on better relations and accept estrangement.

Trump Putin