12 Results for:

May 23, 2023

Military Operations
What Is Russia’s Wagner Group Doing in Africa?

Russia’s Wagner Group has intervened in the affairs of several African countries, providing military and security support while expanding Moscow’s influence across the continent.

November 23, 2021

Energy and Environment
Biden Wants to Increase U.S. Offshore Wind Energy. Can He Do It?

The Biden administration has unveiled plans to dramatically ramp up the nation’s offshore wind industry to help fulfill U.S. climate pledges. How realistic is the roadmap?

May 11, 2023

Syria Is Normalizing Relations With Arab Countries. Who Will Benefit?

The Assad regime and Arab capitals will reap the greatest rewards, but ordinary citizens and certain foreign governments involved in Syria’s war have less to gain.

February 18, 2021

United States
Can the State Department Bring More Diversity to the U.S. Diplomatic Corps?

President Biden has vowed to diversify the top ranks of government agencies. The small and shrinking number of senior Black diplomats, in particular, could undermine U.S. foreign policy goals.

January 24, 2020

Mexico’s Security Dilemma

Amid a spate of drug cartel attacks, Mexico is considering whether to increase security cooperation with the United States.