472 Results for:

June 18, 2020

Middle East and North Africa
Who’s Who in Libya’s War?

The conflict in oil-rich Libya has become a proxy war, fueled by rival foreign powers such as Russia and Turkey.

January 12, 2024

Supply Chains
How Houthi Attacks in the Red Sea Threaten Global Shipping

Houthi attacks against commercial ships in the Red Sea have upended global shipping. The disruptions could soon ripple through the global economy.

February 8, 2024

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The Israel-Hamas War: The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

International calls for a cease-fire are mounting as the humanitarian situation in Gaza deteriorates rapidly amid the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.

June 20, 2019

Will Gulf Nations Tip the Balance in Sudan Crisis?

Gulf powers have lined up behind Sudan’s ruling military council. Where Sudan goes from here could depend on whether other powers play a countervailing role.

Sudanese protesters wave national flags and shout slogans during a protest outside the army complex in the capital Khartoum

January 31, 2024

Pakistan Is on Edge Ahead of 2024 Elections

Pakistan’s military is set to again play kingmaker in elections that will determine how the nuclear-armed country grapples with an economic crisis, political upheaval aggravated by the arrest of Imra…

January 21, 2021

Transition 2021
The Biden-Harris Inauguration: A Tense Tableau

The inauguration of President Joe Biden was unlike any U.S. power transition in modern times, providing stark imagery of a country at a crossroads.