86 Results for:

June 8, 2023

Southeast Asia
The U.S. Is Losing Ground to China in Southeast Asia

China’s economic rise in Southeast Asia may have been unstoppable, but Washington has done itself no favors in the competition for economic influence.

U.S. President Joe Biden shakes hands with ASEAN leaders.

January 27, 2023

Sort Out Granular Issues to Bolster U.S.-India Ties

The U.S.-India strategic partnership is on a trajectory few would have expected at the beginning of the 2000s, with cooperation expanding across sectors and many trust-building measures in place. How…

President Joe Biden, right, shakes hands with India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi before the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment meeting at the G20 summit in Indonesia.

December 19, 2022

Boosting Trade, the Key to Stronger Indo-U.S. Ties

The U.S. and India both benefit from an effective bilateral partnership that can stand as a bulwark against threats from China and Russia. Establishing solid trade mechanisms is necessary to solidify…

U.S. President Biden and PM Modi shake hands and speak at the G20 opening session on November 15, 2022.

September 27, 2023

Human Rights
The Fate of Justice in Russia-Ukraine Peace Talks

While the final chapter of the Russia-Ukraine war has yet to be written, the prospects of any negotiations to achieve a just and lasting peace remain distant. But it is not too soon to consider how a…

September 14, 2022

Ukraine’s Coming Winter of Decision

Ukraine and Russia face a winter not only of discontent but of decision.

Ukraine's President Zelensky sings a national anthem on September 14, 2022 during a flag rising ceremony in the recently liberated town of Izium in the Kharkiv region