1,065 Results for:

November 9, 2022

If Russia Goes Nuclear: Three Scenarios for the Ukraine War

The odds remain slim, but an increasingly desperate Vladimir Putin could use Russia’s nuclear arsenal to turn its fortunes in the Ukraine war. 

February 23, 2023

Why the War Will Continue

One year in, the war in Ukraine shows no sign of ending.

A member of Ukrainian National Guard carries a mortar shell in Kharkiv region on October 25, 2022.

January 3, 2023

What in the World Will Happen in 2023?

Ten predictions for the world in 2023.

Iranian women protest during unrest in Tehran, Iran, on October 28, 2022.

October 18, 2022

Washington Raises Stakes in War on Chinese Technology

New U.S. sanctions are in some ways more restrictive than Cold-War era controls.

Semiconductor device at Semicon China.

March 17, 2023

United States
Revisiting America’s War of Choice in Iraq

Wars are fought not only on the battlefield but also in domestic political debates and in histories written after the fact. In the case of the US invasion of Iraq 20 years ago, we are still in this final phase, seeking an elusive consensus about the war’s legacy.

U.S. soldiers walk by a defaced poster of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in April 2003.