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March 20, 2015

Friday Asia Update: Top Five Stories for the Week of March 20, 2015

Ashlyn Anderson, Lauren Dickey, Darcie Draudt, William Piekos, and Ariella Rotenberg look at the top stories in Asia today. 1. South Korea warns China against interfering amid missile defense debate…

Russel_South Korea_missiledefense

May 30, 2014

United States
This Week: Egyptians Vote, Libyans Demonstrate, and the Pope Visits the Holy Land

Significant Developments Egypt. Security forces on Friday dispersed demonstrations across the country of Morsi supporters protesting General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s victory in this week’s presidentia…

Pope Francis touches the wall that divides Israel from the West Bank, on his way to celebrate a mass in Manger Square next to the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank city of Bethlehem May 25, 2014 (Amareen/Courtesy Reuters).

January 6, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
Democracy Hits the Gulf

Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser al-Mohammed al-Sabah inspects an honour guard at Merdeka palace in Jakarta. (Supri Supri/Courtesy Reuters) When a news story says that an Arab prime minister nar…

Democracy Hits the Gulf

March 29, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
The Arab Spring

In National Review magazine, I write about which Arab regimes will reform and survive--and which will not. On balance, I argue that the Arab monarchies have a better chance than the fake "republics"…

March 11, 2016

Friday Asia Update: Five Stories From the Week of March 11, 2016

Ashlyn Anderson, Rachel Brown, Lincoln Davidson, Ariella Rotenberg, Gabriel Walker, and Pei-Yu Wei look at five stories from Asia this week. 1. Indian Prime Minister Modi earns points for his “Make …
