24 Results for:

December 12, 2016

Arab Spring
How to Support Democracy in the Arab World

The Arab world’s stirring for political change in 2011 failed dramatically, but support for building democratic institutions still represents one of the region’s best hopes for reform.

April 18, 2011

Gathering Clouds for Syria’s Assad

Syria’s Ba’athist regime has responded to widening pro-reform protests by tightening its crackdown, but this approach is unlikely to quiet restive Syrians like it has in the past, writes CFR’s Mohama…

October 19, 2011

Human Rights
Promoting Human Rights: Is U.S. Consistency Desirable or Possible?

In this Markets and Democracy Brief, CFR’s Mark Lagon argues for a more consistent approach to human rights promotion than the United States has often pursued in the past.

July 29, 2014

Fighting for Civil Society’s Space

A growing number of authoritarian states are banning civil society activities, raising the prospect of spreading instability that should arouse action in Washington, says CFR’s Mark Lagon.

February 11, 2011

Egypt’s Challenge for U.S. Rights Policy

Events in Egypt highlight the need for the U.S. government to drop double standards on governance and human rights issues when dealing with friendly dictatorships, writes CFR’s Mark Lagon.