21 Results for:

February 23, 2009

Arms Industries and Trade
Helping Mexico Help Itself

Brazen assassinations, kidnappings, and political intimidation by drug lords conjure up images of Colombia in the early 1990s. Yet today it is Mexico that is being engulfed by escalating violence, an…

December 9, 2009

How to Avoid Civil War in Guinea

The worsening political crisis in Guinea will require stronger UN involvement and greater efforts on the part of African leaders to avoid what could become a civil war and a massive humanitarian cris…

April 3, 2017

Antibiotic-Resistant ‘Superbugs’ Are Here

New strains of antibiotic-resistant bugs have triggered an alarming rise in deaths from treatable illnesses worldwide. A global ban on growth-promoting antibiotics in livestock is a crucial starting …

November 25, 2014

The Downside of Securitizing the Ebola Virus

Fear and overreaction to the Ebola outbreak threaten to undermine effective responses to the pandemic, writes CFR’s Yanzhong Huang.

April 12, 2012

Why the Summit of the Americas Matters

The summit in Colombia offers Washington an opportunity to boost growing economic ties amid ongoing disputes with regional partners over Cuba and the legalization of illicit drugs, writes CFR’s Shann…