86 Results for:

May 16, 2024

What Does Putin Really Want in Ukraine?

Russia’s early setbacks in its invasion of Ukraine could have foreclosed on some of President Vladimir Putin’s sweeping war objectives, but he is unlikely to relent given the conflict’s momentum.  

Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with military commanders in Moscow, Russia, May 2024.

March 29, 2024

Climate Change
Carbon Dioxide Removal: Can It Be Effective?

Governments and companies are embracing new emissions-reducing technologies that pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. But it is uncertain whether this can work at the scale and in the time nece…

A yellow-vested man walks out of a silver dome into dark, rocky terrain.

April 11, 2024

South Korea
South Korea’s Opposition Parties’ Win: What It Means

The center-left Democratic Party added to its legislative majority after the recent parliamentary election, which would deal a blow to President Yoon Suk Yeol’s domestic reform agenda and possibly hi…

Lee Jae-myung, leader of the main opposition Democratic Party, raises hands with supporters during a campaign rally for the upcoming 22nd parliamentary election in Seoul, South Korea.

March 7, 2024

Why Russia’s Election Matters to Putin

This month’s vote will be the first conducted while Russia is involved in a major war, and Vladimir Putin is counting on a strong show of national unity and highlighting support in occupied Ukraine.

December 22, 2009

United States
Climate Right for U.S. Joining Law of Sea Convention

The time is ripe for President Obama to press for Senate passage of the Law of the Sea Convention and expand U.S. influence on oceans governance, write Scott Borgerson and Thomas Pickering.

February 4, 2016

TPP Tobacco Exception Proves the New Rule in Trade

The special exemptions for tobacco products in the TPP trade deal say less about cross-border investment rules generally, and more about the unique nature of tobacco under U.S. and international law,…

June 23, 2014

How to Save Electronic Cigarettes

The popularity of e-cigarettes presents an enormous opportunity for public health, which the United States is at risk of squandering by regulating these products as tobacco, writes CFR’s Thomas Bolly…