211 Results for:

December 12, 2011

U.S.-Iraq Post-Withdrawal Relations

CFR’s Stephen Biddle discusses the increasing emphasis on non-military ties between the United States and Iraq.

May 3, 2011

U.S. Policy in Afghanistan After Bin Laden

Stephen Biddle, Senior Fellow for Defense Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, discusses the implications of Osama bin Laden’s death for the United States’ role in Afghanistan.

April 26, 2011

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Altman: Solving the U.S. Debt Crisis

Roger Altman, Founder and Chairman of Evercore Partners and former Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, discusses the prospects for solving the U.S. debt and deficit with John Bussey, Washington Bu…

June 23, 2022

Hong Kong
China’s Crackdown on a Free Hong Kong

After the British government handed Hong Kong over to China in 1997, Beijing promised to let the city keep its capitalist economy and some of its democratic freedoms under the “one country, two syste…


April 8, 2022

Is Russia Committing War Crimes in Ukraine?

Russian forces have been accused of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine, including an apparent massacre in the city of Bucha and the bombing of a maternity hospital in Mariup…
