18 Results for:

February 10, 2017

United States
The Legal Fight Over Trump’s Authority

The battle over the Trump administration’s executive order on immigration raises weighty constitutional questions involving presidential power and the judiciary’s role in national security, explains …

December 6, 2011

Elections and Voting
Understanding Putin’s Setback

The sharp drop in support for the ruling United Russia party in parliamentary elections reflects growing public discontent with Vladimir Putin’s decision to seek the presidency again next year, says …

October 22, 2015

Argentina’s Reform Elections?

The next president is likely to take a more market-friendly, pragmatic approach to the country’s economic challenges, says Eurasia Group’s Daniel Kerner.

July 16, 2013

Will Snowden Come Between the U.S. and Latin America?

Recent revelations about U.S. surveillance activities in Latin America have provoked a range of negative responses from regional leaders, but the practical consequences will be marginal, says expert …

February 18, 2015

A Mysterious Death Rocks Argentina

The death of an Argentine prosecutor reveals deeper problems in the country’s political system, says expert Sergio Berensztein.