30 Results for:

February 6, 2018

The Mixed Record of Sports Diplomacy

While sports may temporarily transcend divisions in society, events like the Olympics rarely serve to advance countries’ diplomatic aims.

East Germany was a perennial powerhouse at winter games, including the 1988 Calgary games where it won gold and bronze in the women’s 1000 meters Speedskating event.

February 23, 2007

Knights: British-Patrolled Province in ‘Shiite Civil War’

Michael Knights, a British expert on security in southern Iraq, says British efforts to improve security around Basra have fallen short.

August 17, 2010

Conflicting Objectives for U.S. in Afghanistan

President Obama’s political objectives for Afghanistan are limited and feasible, says military historian Gian Gentile, but the military’s counterinsurgency strategy and "maximalist approach of nation…

September 29, 2017

Can Catalonia Split With Spain?

Spain’s effort to block Catalonia’s referendum on independence may push more Catalan voters to support it.

Students demonstrate with Catalan separatist flags in Barcelona.

May 10, 2016

Puerto Rico
Can Puerto Rico Escape Its Debt Crisis?

Puerto Rico’s debt crisis has entered a new stage. Without congressional action and deeper reforms, the island could find itself unable to provide basic services, says CFR expert Brad Setser.