244 Results for:

November 1, 2012

United States
A Heavy Post-Election Agenda

No matter who wins the U.S. presidential election on Tuesday, an array of foreign policy challenges await, says CFR’s James Lindsay.

September 7, 2012

United States
Foreign Policy and the Obama-Romney Race

Foreign policy has not played a major role in the presidential campaign so far, but a close race could make it a factor in courting "the moveable middle," says CFR’s James Lindsay.

September 13, 2010

United States
Foreign Policy Sidelined in Midterms

Foreign policy is taking a backseat to the economy in the midterm elections, says CFR’s James Lindsay, with issues like START, immigration, and trade on hold.

December 22, 2013

World Outlook for 2014

Despite the administration’s much-publicized Asia "pivot," the spreading impact of the Syria conflict and negotiations to limit Iran’s nuclear program will continue to top the foreign policy docket, …

December 23, 2009

United States
Prioritizing U.S. Cybersecurity

Reports of Predator drones’ data losses in Iraq and Afghanistan should serve as a call to action to upgrade U.S. cybersecurity capabilities, says analyst James Lewis.