86 Results for:

July 31, 2012

Silver Linings in China’s Slowdown

China’s global investment boom is slowing, which could affect its trading partners. But its economy does not have to be doomed to slow growth, says expert Patrick Chovanec.

February 24, 2006

Lang: Political Process Will Move Forward in Iraq, Despite Sectarian Violence

W. Patrick Lang, former head of Middle East Affairs and Counterterrorism at the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, tells cfr.org the attack on the Askariya Shrine will not scuttle Iraq’s political pro…

December 26, 2013

Will China’s Air Defense Zone Chill Trade?

New Chinese territorial claims over the East China Sea have alarmed trade partners and neighbors, but no major disruption in the region’s booming commerce is expected, says CFR’s Thomas Bollyky.  

December 4, 2014

Noncommunicable Diseases
A Rising Global Health Threat

The biggest threats to global health are not pandemics, but rather, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other noncommunicable diseases, says CFR’s Thomas J. Bollyky.

July 30, 2015

Iran Nuclear Agreement
How Will Iran Nuclear Inspections Work?

The UN’s nuclear agency has the tools to provide robust monitoring and verification to ensure Iran is moving to restrict its nuclear program but still faces stiff challenges, says expert Thomas Shea…