206 Results for:

May 23, 2006

Mead: Timing of Troop Withdrawal from Iraq Looms Large in Blair, Bush Meeting

Walter Russell Mead, CFR’s senior fellow for U.S. foreign policy, says that when British Prime Minister Tony Blair meets with President Bush on Thursday, the timing of allied troop withdrawals will p…

January 8, 2007

Drozdiak: Merkel’s Visit Points Up ’Big Improvement’ in United States-German Relations

William Drozdiak, president of the independent American Council on Germany, says the White House meeting last week between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Bush indicates “they seem to h…

August 9, 2011

Foreign Aid
How a Faltering Dollar Starves Food Aid

Famine in the Horn of Africa underscores the problems of an international foreign aid community struggling to keep up with its commitments at a time of a falling dollar and rising food prices, says C…

August 2, 2012

United States
U.S. Drought and Rising Global Food Prices

Climatic conditions across the U.S. farm belt are triggering a rise in global food prices that threatens to fuel political unrest in developing countries, says CFR’s Isobel Coleman.

February 4, 2011

Food and Water Security
Food Prices and Global Instability

With food prices at historic levels, unrest is mounting around the world, particularly in import-dependent regions such as the Middle East. CFR’s Laurie Garrett says to meet demand going forward, cou…