50 Results for:

September 21, 2012

United States
TWE Remembers: Andrei Gromyko Tells a Lie at the United Nations

The UN General Assembly convened this week for its 67th session. Heads of state and foreign ministers will be giving speeches galore. Some will be good. Some will be awful. Most will be forgettable. …

President John F. Kennedy and Soviet minister of foreign affairs Andrei Gromyko meet in the Oval Office in March 1961. (Abbie Rowe. White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston.)

October 18, 2012

United States
TWE Remembers: Andrei Gromyko Lies to JFK (Cuban Missile Crisis, Day Three)

Could you sit through a two-hour meeting with a man who was lying to your face without letting on that you knew he was lying? President John F. Kennedy faced just that challenge on Thursday, October …

President John F. Kennedy and Soviet minister of foreign affairs Andrei Gromyko meet in the Oval Office on October 18, 1962.  Seated from left to right, Soviet deputy minister Vladimir S. Seyemenov, Soviet ambassador to the United States Anatoly F. Dobrynin, Gromyko, and Kennedy.  (Robert Knudson White House Photographs, National Archives, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston, Massachusetts)

August 17, 2015

Did The Kerry Visit To Cuba Matter?

Secretary of State Kerry traveled to Havana to raise the flag at the U.S. Embassy there last week. As has been noted here in this blog and in many news articles and columns, no dissidents or human ri…

August 1, 2023

Kara-Murza's Courage is a Message to All of Us

Vladimir Kara-Murza's courageous words this week in a Moscow courtroom remind us of the value of liberty and the need to defend it.

December 1, 2021

United States
TWE History-Related Blogs and Videos

A list of all blog posts and videos reflecting on historical events from The Water's Edge. 

The U.S. Capitol Building is flanked by two rows of U.S. flags.