77 Results for:

September 27, 2008

Monetary Policy
It seems like so long ago ... documenting the role foreign central banks played in the US decision to backstop the Agencies

It is hard to believe that only three week have passed since the US government effectively took over the Agencies. Friday’s Wall Street Journal provided something of a post-mortem. And it sure se…

August 4, 2022

United States
Happy 232nd Birthday to the U.S. Coast Guard!

The U.S. Coast Guard marks 232 years of service.

Two Coast Guardsmen search a low profile vessel in front of a large, white Coast Guard ship.

August 1, 2022

United States
The Perils of the Midterms: For Both Parties, and for the United States’ Political Future

Republicans and Democrats are at risk of taking the wrong messages from November, putting U.S. politics in an even worse place

City employees set up voting booths the day before primary elections in Birmingham, Michigan

November 1, 2010

United States
Peace Process?

I have it on good authority, which in Washington means that I read it in Laura Rozen’s foreign policy blog at Politico and confirmed it through various conversations with colleagues who had coffee …

Peace Process?

July 16, 2012

Middle East and North Africa
Secretary Clinton Visits Israel

Secretary of State Clinton is in Israel today, which is a surprising fact. According to several news sites, she has not visited there in two years. Secretary Condoleezza Rice visited there about 20 …

Secretary Clinton and Prime Minister Netanyahu