1,033 Results for:

November 9, 2011

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2012 Roundup: Perry on Iran

Rick Perry speaks during a visit to plastics manufacturer. (Mary Chastain/courtesy Reuters) Rick Perry is making his media rounds. He discussed defense and foreign policy with ABC’s Christiane Amanp…

Campaign 2012 Roundup: Perry on Iran

July 30, 2019

Elizabeth Warren's "New Approach to Trade" Looks Awfully Dated

The Democratic candidate has laid out a comprehensive trade policy, but it speaks more to party activists than to voters.

Elizabeth Warren

April 28, 2017

United States
Trump’s First 100 Days: A (Third) Conversation with Elizabeth Saunders

Following our conversations in the heat of the 2016 presidential campaign a year ago and post-election last December, Elizabeth Saunders joined me again, this time to discuss President Donald Trump’s…


June 5, 2015

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2016: Rick Perry, GOP Presidential Candidate

Can you get a second chance to make a first impression? Rick Perry hopes so. When the former Texas governor threw his hat into the presidential ring back in 2011, he was a favorite to grab the nomina…

Republican presidential candidate Perry acknowledges supporters after formally announcing candidacy for president in Addison, Texas

September 13, 2011

Defense and Security
GOP Presidential Debate: Perry Chooses on Afghanistan

Republican presidential hopefuls take the stage before the Tea Party Republican presidential candidates debate in Tampa, FL (Scott Audette/courtesy Reuters) Last night’s GOP presidential debate went…

Republican presidential hopefuls take the stage before the Tea Party Republican presidential candidates debate in Tampa, FL (Scott Audette/courtesy Reuters)