48 Results for:

January 20, 2016

Elections and Voting
Five Foreign Policy Books the Next President Should Read

Inauguration Day is now exactly one year away. In 366 days—2016 is a Leap Year—one of the candidates now barnstorming Iowa and New Hampshire will take the oath of office. Everything will change the m…


May 8, 2017

Saudi Arabia
Why the Myth of Sunni-Shia Conflict Defines Middle East Policy—and Why It Shouldn’t

Is the Muslim world divided over an ancient sectarian conflict? Not really: It's twenty-first-century power politics.


July 16, 2021

Wars and Conflict
Five Movies Worth Watching About Love and War

Every summer Friday, we suggest foreign-policy-themed movies worth watching. This week: films about romance amid conflict.

Three movie posters in black frames. From left: Casablanca (black and white, a man and a woman look at each other); A Farewell to Arms (a man and woman look worriedly off to the side); The English Patient (a man and woman look off to the side, a desert and airplane behind them).

August 7, 2014

Defense and Security
TWE Remembers: Congress Passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

“Act in haste, repent at leisure.” “Look before you leap.” “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” Warnings against acting rashly are frequently offered. They are just as frequently ignored. The …


July 30, 2014

Wars and Conflict
TWE Remembers: World War I Novels

Yesterday, I recommended several great books on the origins of World War I. I’m a history buff, so books about what world leaders said and did are my thing. But friends who prefer novels to histories…
