225 Results for:

February 20, 2023

United States
TWE Celebrates Presidents’ Day

TWE’s annual essay about the United States’ commanders-in-chief.

White House

January 27, 2020

Election 2020
Can Bernie Sanders’s Foreign Policy Vision Lay Claim to FDR’s Mantle?

If he wishes to follow in Franklin Delano Roosevelt's footsteps, U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will need to clarify America's interests, role, and responsibilities in defending the globa…

U.S. presidential candidate and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) speaks during a campaign event in Des Moines, Iowa.

June 14, 2023

United States
Happy Birthday to the U.S. Army!

The U.S. Army turns 248 years old today.


March 30, 2007

Emerging Markets
Reverse globalization

The phrase the “uphill flow of capital” seems to have caught on.  It is a vivid way of describing a world where poor countries finance rich countries.   Or, a bit more accurately, China and some no-l…

February 15, 2021

United States
TWE Celebrates Presidents’ Day

Today is Presidents’ Day. It is a TWE tradition to recognize the forty-five men—and they have all been men—who have been president on Presidents’ Day with the following essay, which has been revised …

White House