103 Results for:

November 30, 2011

United States
U.S. Policy on Egypt Needs A Big Shift

Protesters chant slogans against the head of the ruling military council Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi at Tahrir Square (Amr Dalsh/Courtesy Reuters) My good friend and colleague Marc Lynch a…

U.S. Policy on Egypt Needs A Big Shift

February 25, 2015

Wars and Conflict
White House Summit Embraces Women’s Rights to Counter Violent Extremism

Last week, the White House sponsored an international summit on strategies to counter violent extremism (CVE), focusing on groups such as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and al-Qaeda. Amon…

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks during the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism in Washington, DC, February 2015 (Courtesy Joshua Roberts/Reuters).

April 9, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
South African Comedian in the United States

This is a guest post by Allen Grane, research associate for the Council on Foreign Relations Africa Studies program. On March 30, Comedy Central’s the Daily Show announced that 31-year old Trevor No…

Comedy Central

May 27, 2011

Weekend Reading

Lebanese freshly baked bread emerges from an oven at a bakery in Beirut (Jamal Saidi/Courtesy Reuters) Marc Lynch’s piece on John McCain on Foreign Policy.com: Straight Talk on the Arab Spring …

Weekend Reading

May 20, 2011

Weekend Reading

Egyptian women walk past a policeman in the newly renovated historical street of Elmoez Lideen Ella in Old Cairo (Asmaa Waguih/Courtesy Reuters) The Maghreb Blog: Morocco’s Shaky Commitment to Re…

Weekend Reading