59 Results for:

January 23, 2017

United States
Why Argentina’s Macri Could Have a Rockier Year in 2017

Argentine President Mauricio Macri and his team can take a bow for their first year in office. Despite Macri’s outsider status and his party’s limited influence in the Congress, he in short order too…

Argentine President Mauricio Macri gestures during a news conference at the Casa Rosada Presidential Palace in Buenos Aires, Argentina, January 17, 2017 (Reuters/Marcos Brindicci).

July 23, 2018

Latin America Looks Past the United States on Trade

This weekend a beleaguered Argentina hosted the G-20 finance ministers to work out the agenda for their leaders’ December conclave in Buenos Aires. While officially focused on infrastructure and the …

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde and Argentina's Treasury Minister Nicolas Dujovne attend a news conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 21, 2018.

July 15, 2016

Argentina and Brazil Grow Together

In my piece published this week on Foreignaffairs.com I reflect on Argentina’s and Brazil’s current political and economic situations. I argue that while their current challenges are their own, a pot…

Hundreds of cars stand in the port of Rio de Janeiro

March 31, 2016

Macri’s Surprising Honeymoon

By all accounts, Mauricio Macri has had a remarkable honeymoon since he was inaugurated December 10, quickly moving to revise Argentina’s economic policies, restructure its relations with the world, …

Macris Surprising Honeymoon - LAM

March 10, 2011

Immigration and Migration
Obama’s Trip to Latin America

Between March 19 and 23, President Obama will take his first foreign trip this year – and his first ever to South America.

A shaman performs a ritual in front of a photograph of President Barack Obama in Lima

January 5, 2015

Elections to Watch in 2015

The region will hold just two presidential elections this year, choosing new leaders in Guatemala and Argentina. More prevalent will be congressional and local elections. Midterms in Mexico, Venezuel…