56 Results for:

May 14, 2013

Regional Voices: Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Israel, and Egypt

“I swear to God we will eat your hearts and your livers, you soldiers of Bashar the dog.” –Abu Sakkar, leader of the Syrian rebel Farouq Brigade from Homs, as he bit into the heart of a regime soldie…

A Free Syrian Army fighter aims his AK-47 rifle through a window in Aleppo's Salaheddine neighbourhood (Hretani/Courtesy Reuters).

January 27, 2012

Weekend Reading: Supporting Syrians, Egypt’s New Speaker, Iran-Israel Bluffs, and Turkey’s Term Limits

Shadi Hamid on The Atlantic makes a case for intervention in Syria. Speaker of the newly-elected People’s Assembly in Egypt gives his first address to parliament. Walter Russell Mead writes about t…


September 8, 2016

Sub-Saharan Africa
“Desire for Theocracy”

Emma Green has published in The Atlantic her interview with Shadi Hamid, author of Islamic Exceptionalism. Her interview amounts to a riff of his book’s arguments. His focus is on why Muslims, especi…

Nigeria Mosque

March 16, 2017

Diplomacy and International Institutions
International Studies Association Panel: Inequality and the Rise of Authoritarianism

As part of CFR’s Academic Outreach Initiative, I recently had the privilege of moderating a panel on inequality and the rise of authoritarianism with Jack A. Goldstone, Virginia E. and John T. Hazel …


August 3, 2012

Rule of Law
Legal Empowerment, Governance, and Development

A new consensus has emerged in recent years that good institutions—especially the fair and predictable rule of law, and accountable governments that effectively serve their citizens—are prerequisites…
