114 Results for:

May 5, 2016

Why Sadr Is Returning to Iraq’s Limelight

Amid political paralysis in Baghdad, the populist Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr is pressuring lawmakers to approve Prime Minister Abadi’s proposed reforms, says expert Mohamad Bazzi. 

December 10, 2014

Where Is Putin Leading Russia?

President Vladimir Putin has failed to deliver a coherent response to Russia’s economic challenges while continuing to feed concerns about his intentions in Ukraine, says CFR’s Stephen Sestanovich.

September 24, 2014

Middle East and North Africa
Iraq’s Role in the Long War Against ISIS

With air strikes now underway in two countries, Washington must pursue a sustained campaign against ISIS militants, with initial emphasis on routing them in Iraq, says expert Ryan Crocker.

June 20, 2014

A U.S. Playbook For Iraq and Syria

The United States should partner with Iran and Russia in countering Sunni jihadists, the top strategic threat in both Iraq and Syria at the moment, says CFR President Emeritus Leslie H. Gelb.

April 28, 2014

Historic Iraq Election Brings New Uncertainties

An array of internal challenges looms over Iraq’s future as the country votes in its first general election since the 2011 U.S. withdrawal, explains expert Ned Parker.