69 Results for:

September 5, 2019

News Release
CFR Welcomes Two New Fellows on Climate Change and Europe

September 5, 2019—The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) welcomes two new fellows to the David Rockefeller Studies Program: Alice C. Hill and Matthias Matthijs. Alice C. Hill joins as senior fello…

October 1, 2018

News Release
The World is Getting Healthier in Worrisome Ways, Says Thomas Bollyky in New Book

September 28, 2018—There is a paradox in global health: the extraordinary progress being made in overcoming the bacteria, viruses, and parasites that were pervasive in poor societies is…

April 10, 2018

Labor and Employment
U.S. Must Better Prepare Its Workforce for the Promise and Perils of Technology, Asserts CFR Task Force

April 10, 2018—“The world is in the midst of a profound transformation in the nature of work, as smart machines and other new technologies remake how people do their jobs and pursue their careers,” s…

The Work Ahead: Machines, Skills, and U.S. Leadership in the Twenty-First Century

April 6, 2016

State Capitalism Threatens Global Security and Prosperity, Argues Kurlantzick in New Book

Over the past two decades, many developing countries have turned away from free market capitalism and toward modern state capitalism, which is a combination of traditional state economic planning and…