94 Results for:

August 17, 2015

Did The Kerry Visit To Cuba Matter?

Secretary of State Kerry traveled to Havana to raise the flag at the U.S. Embassy there last week. As has been noted here in this blog and in many news articles and columns, no dissidents or human ri…

December 13, 2012

North Korea
North Korea More Integrated a Year After Kim Jong-il’s Death, Find Editors of New Book

North Korea’s recent, successful rocket launch comes at a time when it is undergoing profound transformation laden with uncertainty. Editors Kyung-Ae Park from the Institute of Asian Research at the …

June 30, 2014

Reagan and the Iran Talks

In his address to the UN General Assembly in September, 1987, President Ronald Reagan spoke a few words about the relationship between peace and freedom. Here is what he said: Freedom in Nicaragua …

July 18, 2006

The Chechen Separatist Movement

Chechen separatist Shamil Basayev is one of several rebel leaders to die violently in recent years. His death leaves the future of the movement in doubt.

October 16, 2012

United States
TWE Remembers: Learning More About the Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban missile crisis brought the United States and the Soviet Union closer to nuclear war than any other event during the Cold War. President John F. Kennedy put the odds of war at “somewhere bet…

A U-2 photograph of an MRBM Field Launch Site in San Cristobal, Cuba. (Dino A. Brugioni Collection, The National Security Archive, Washington, DC)