162 Results for:

July 1, 2020

Political History and Theory
Living in History

Whether you think we are making history or repeating it, it’s safe to say we are living in a historic time. In this episode, Why It Matters asks three historians to weigh in on how to use the past to…

Podcast Hong Kong protester reads book while sitting

July 22, 2021

Japan’s Population Problem

The United States’ alliance with Japan is the centerpiece of U.S. security in Asia, but new demographic challenges from within Japan raise concerns about the future of the region.

Podcast Elder Japanese women on Japan's 'Respect for the Aged Day' at Tokyo's Sugamo district

December 16, 2021

Does World Order Have a Future?

CNN Host Fareed Zakaria and Richard Haass examine the concept of “world order” and what to do to promote it in an age of revived great-power rivalry and global challenges.

Podcast World Globe

September 16, 2021

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Podcast Takeover: Nuclear Security, From The President’s Inbox

Why It Matters is pleased to present an episode from its sister podcast, The President’s Inbox. Today, U.S. national security is dependent on international nuclear agreements. How does the world regu…

Podcast Nuclear missile gets launched into the sky, creating smoke

October 12, 2022

Update on Ukraine, With Richard Haass: How Will It End?

How does a war end? In this special episode, Why It Matters speaks with CFR President Richard Haass on the conflict in Ukraine. We ask if and how this war can come to a close and discuss what comprom…

Podcast Tank behind woman on bike