121 Results for:

July 23, 2012

South China Sea: From Bad to Worse?

ASEAN has failed to ease tensions over the South China Sea this summer, but China and its neighbors still have options for restoring calm, writes CFR’s Joshua Kurlantzick.

March 29, 2012

Election Monitoring: Power, Limits, and Risks

In this Markets and Democracy Brief, Judith Kelley examines the achievements, shortcomings, and drawbacks of international election monitoring, arguing that it merits both enthusiasm and healthy skep…

February 13, 2013

United States
The Long Road of U.S. Fiscal Reform

The president’s annual address set the stage for more political wrangling over U.S. fiscal policy at a time when decisiveness is crucial for the economy, writes CFR’s Robert Kahn.

February 11, 2011

Mexico: Development and Democracy at a Crossroads

In this Markets and Democracy Brief, Shannon O’Neil charts the progress of Mexico’s economic and democratic reforms. She sees grounds for optimism on both fronts but concludes that Mexico risks falli…

February 23, 2009

Arms Industries and Trade
Helping Mexico Help Itself

Brazen assassinations, kidnappings, and political intimidation by drug lords conjure up images of Colombia in the early 1990s. Yet today it is Mexico that is being engulfed by escalating violence, an…