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September 24, 2019

Technology and Innovation
Innovation and National Security, With Admiral William H. McRaven

Admiral William H. McRaven, professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, discusses the CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force report, Innovation and National Security: Keeping Our Edge,…

Podcast An employee works at a production plant of Brazil's Ceitec company in Porto Alegre.

November 14, 2016

Conflict Prevention
How Women’s Participation Advances Security: A Conversation With Admiral Tidd

In this roundtable discussion, Admiral Tidd shares his insights on the role of women in building peace, preventing conflict, and countering violent extremism. His remarks address the growing body of …

Podcast Adm. Kurt W. Tidd RT 11.14.2016.jpg

September 25, 2019

The President’s Inbox: Admiral William McRaven on Technology, Innovation, and Special Operations

The latest episode of The President’s Inbox is now up. My guest was Admiral William McRaven (Rtd.), a member of CFR’s Board of Directors and the co-chair of the recent CFR Independent Task Force on I…

Admiral William McRaven (Rtd.) speaks during a Reuters Newsmakers event in New York in May 2019.

January 25, 2011

Overinterpreting Carol Browner’s Departure

News last night that energy czar Carol Browner will be leaving the Obama administration has been roundly interpreted as the death knell for serious climate policy. Politico reports several reactions:…

April 19, 2024

What Happened to ‘Stalemate’ in Ukraine?

The two-year-old war in Ukraine—which is far from deadlocked—could pivot dramatically in the coming months. U.S. decisions will play a decisive role.

A Ukrainian sniper leads other troops through a trench during a training exercise