16 Results for:

December 9, 2015

Why a “Nuclear Deal” With Pakistan Is Not Realistic, Timely, or Wise

Testifying before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Adjunct Senior Fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia Daniel S. Markey discussed the ramifications of a potential civil nuclear agreement…

September 24, 2008

Congresses and Parliaments

July 17, 2007

U.S. and Iraqi Conceptions of Reconciliation

The Interim Report The interim surge report underscores the chasm that separates US and Iraqi conceptions of reconciliation. For Americans, reconciliation signifies a bargaining process through whic…

March 27, 2007

US Trade Policy: The China Question

Let me begin by saying how honored I am to have been invited to appear before your Committee, Senator Baucus. I have long been familiar with the leadership you have provided on trade issues in the Se…

September 14, 2006

Is there a Clash of Civilizations? Islam, Democracy, and U.S.-Middle East Policy

Subcommittee on Middle East, House International Relations CommitteeI would like to thank the members of the committee for the opportunity to speak on this vital topic.I will concentrate on some of t…