37 Results for:

June 13, 2019

Democratic Republic of Congo
The Escalating Ebola Crisis in the DRC

An outbreak in the DRC has spread to neighboring Uganda, and conflict and mistrust of health workers is impeding international efforts to contain the disease.

A health worker puts on personal protective equipment before entering the red zone of an Ebola treatment center, where he will check up on patients in Bunia, Democratic Republic of Congo.

November 13, 2019

Bolivia’s Power Vacuum: What to Know

Election fraud allegations have prompted President Evo Morales to resign with no clear successor, plunging Bolivia into political uncertainty.

May 19, 2020

Economic Crises
How Will Aviation Giants Emerge From the Pandemic?

The coronavirus has cut into few industries more deeply than aviation and aerospace, putting some strategically important companies in dire financial straits.

October 20, 2020

Understanding Bolivia’s Election

Exit polls indicate socialist candidate Luis Arce will become Bolivia’s next president. The peaceful vote signaled an end to a year of electoral uncertainty, but the victor will now confront social u…

January 28, 2022

South Sudan
Understanding South Sudan’s Postwar Struggle for Democracy and Accountability

In the wake of its civil war, South Sudan has struggled to build democratic institutions and deliver justice for human rights abuses and atrocity crimes.