46 Results for:

June 13, 2024

China’s Stockpiling and Mobilization Measures for Competition and Conflict

Hearing co-chairs Commissioner Cliff Sims and Vice Chair Reva Price, Commission members, and staff, thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today. I commend the Commission for calling a h…

Zongyuan Zoe Liu testifies before the USCC on China's self-sufficiency, stockpiling, and sanctions preparedness

May 11, 2023

Cross-border Rx: Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and U.S. International Tax Policy

  I want to thank Chairman Wyden, Ranking Member Crapo, and the distinguished members of this committee for the opportunity to testify today. Tax avoidance by American pharmaceutical compan…

Brad Setser Testifying

March 24, 2021

U.S. Policy toward the Indo-Pacific: The Case for a Comprehensive Approach

Chairman Bera, Ranking Member Chabot, thank you for this opportunity to provide thoughts on America’s way forward in the Indo-Pacific. As always, I am speaking in my personal capacity as the Council …

The opening session of US-China talks at the Captain Cook Hotel in Anchorage, Alaska, U.S. March 18, 2021.

March 2, 2017

Options for U.S. Policy in Venezuela

Shannon K. O’Neil testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, addressing the ongoing crisis in Venezuela and proposing U.S. policy options aimed at combatting the political, econ…

January 21, 2016

Opportunities for U.S. Engagement in Latin America

Shannon K. O’Neil testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, laying out the largely positive trends in Latin America and the benefits for the United States of working more close…

May 17, 2007

Russian-American Relations: Problems and Prospects

Prepared Testimony before the House Foreign Affairs CommitteeMr. Chairman, I appreciate the invitation to discuss Russia and Russian-American relations with you and your colleagues at today’s very ti…