25,702 Results for:

January 1, 1996

Making Intelligence Smarter

The need for intelligence, and for a capability within the U.S. government to collect, produce, and disseminate it, remains critical. The end of the Cold War will not usher in an age of peace and sec…

January 2, 1996

International Organizations
American National Interest and the United Nations

This statement and report - the result of an expert nonpartisan Task Force including UN critics and advocates, Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives - examine whether the United Natio…

January 1, 1997

Refugees and Displaced Persons
Refugees into Citizens

This timely book offers a blueprint for resolving what is often called the most intractable--if not taboo--subject in the Arab-Israeli peace negotiations: a just and permanent solution to the problem…

May 1, 1997

Drug Policy
Rethinking International Drug Control

Despite the growing severity of the drug abuse problem in the United States and evidence that supply-control programs are ineffective, the supply-side approach to drug control has endured. This task …