417 Results for:

February 10, 2023

Latin America
Can Amazon Countries Save the Rain Forest?

The Amazon Rainforest plays a critical role in global climate health, but accelerating deforestation continues to raise alarm. How are the region’s governments responding?

A deforested area of the rain forest near the Trans-Amazonian Highway in Brazil.

October 19, 2021

Middle East and North Africa
Master of the Game

A perceptive and provocative history of Henry Kissinger’s diplomatic negotiations in the Middle East that illuminates the unique challenges and barriers Kissinger and his successors have faced in the…

October 7, 2020

Robots and Robotics
With "Burn-In," Cole and Singer Show Us the Robotic Future We Need to Avoid

Burn-In: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution gives us the worst-case scenario of how increased automation can affect the U.S. economy and society.

French robot Pepper, detecting whether people are wearing face masks and if not, instructs them to wear them.

May 16, 2023

United States
Why Today Is Not Like the 1850s

American politics turned hyper toxic several years ago, and ever since commentators have raised the specter of a second civil war. No other historical parallel, it seems, captures so viscerally today…

Supporters of former U.S. President Donald Trump stand near Confederate and U.S. flags in Wellington, Ohio on June 26, 2021.

May 3, 2018

The Rising Bilateral Deficit with China and the Negotiations Over China 2025

A short review of the March U.S. trade data and a lot of speculation about the arc of the Sino-American economic relationship in light of the non-negotiability of Made in China 2025.

The Rising Bilateral Deficit with China and the Negotiations Over China 2025