46 Results for:

July 25, 2013

Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations: Three Things to Know

Peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians have relaunched, ensuring major new challenges for both parties and the United States, says CFR’s Robert Danin.

April 17, 2012

Lessons Learned: Bay of Pigs Invasion

CFR’s James M. Lindsay remembers the Bay of Pigs invasion, which began on April 17, 1961, and discusses the importance of preparing for failure and planning accordingly.

September 6, 2013

Syria & U.S.-Russian Relations: Three Things to Know

U.S.-Russian disagreement over how to respond to the conflict in Syria is spurring further deterioration in the relationship between Moscow and Washington, says CFR’s Stephen Sestanovich.

May 10, 2013

Intervention in Syria: Three Things to Know

Secretary of State John Kerry said the United States will hold the Syrian government accountable for the use of chemical weapons on civilians. CFR’s Matthew C. Waxman highlights three sets of conside…

April 21, 2011

CFR’s Campbell: Sounding the Alarm on Boko Haram

CFR’s John Campbell says deteriorating economic and social conditions in Northern Nigeria are behind the recurring upsurge in Boko Haram’s activity. Campbell cautions that the circumstances enabling …