37 Results for:

January 29, 2016

Podcast: China’s Coming War with Asia

Jonathan Holslag, professor of international politics at the Free University of Brussels, in his terrific new book China’s Coming War with Asia puts forth the provocative thesis that war between Chin…

Podcast Chinese army actors

February 26, 2020

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
The One Where We Talk About NATO at a Party

You’re making the rounds at a party when someone asks you about NATO. Is it still important? The alliance is credited with preventing a third world war, but a lot of us don’t know what it is or how i…

Podcast NATO leaders meet at summit in Britain around a table.

April 8, 2020

Bonus Episode: “A Medically Induced Economic Coma”

Is the coronavirus a zero-sum game in which we must choose between saving lives and saving the economy? In this episode, we sit down with two experts to find out.

Podcast A woman in a mask is seen through the window in a subway car door

June 17, 2020

Demonstrations and Protests
The World Is Watching Us

The killing of George Floyd, the anti-racism protest movement that followed, and the Donald J. Trump administration’s response have shaken the United States and captivated the world. Why It Matters s…

Podcast Demonstrators protest killing of George Floyd Madrid Spain

July 15, 2020

Hey, Remember the Olympics?

Hosting the Olympics is a monumental undertaking that often leaves behind rusted stadiums and financial losses. So why do nations compete to do it? This episode examines the political history of the …

Podcast People pose for pictures in front of the Olympic rings in the Olympic Park in London, United Kingdom.