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July 1, 2021

Nigeria’s Northern Elders Forum: Keeping the Igbo is Not Worth a Civil War

On June 9, following a closed-door meeting, the Northern Elders Forum (NEF) issued a public statement that the Igbo-dominated southeast should be allowed to secede from the Federal Republic of Nigeria if it was necessary to avoid a civil war. NEF spokesman Hakeem Baba-Ahmed said “the Forum has arrived at the difficult conclusion that if support for secession among the Igbo is as widespread as it is being made to look, and Igbo leadership appears to be in support of it, then the country should be advised not to stand in the way.”

A black and white photo of soldiers marching with rifles. Civilians crowd them to the side of the street.

July 23, 2020

Not All Violent Problems Require Violent Solutions: Banditry in Nigeria’s North-West

For more than two years, northwestern Nigeria has faced devastating attacks from armed bandits, particularly in the states of Zamfara, Katsina, Kaduna, Niger, and Sokoto. But violent military operations are half-baked peace plans are not the answer.

A young man in a white tunic robe carries handmade guns. He is flanked by a soldier in camouflage fatigues and a rifle.

August 1, 2022

Nigeria in Uncharted Waters

The contending scenarios as social order breaks down.

A woman holds a poster of President Muhammadu Buhari that reads "President Buhari Pls Help Us" alongside others in a protest.

April 26, 2011

The Beginning (and End) of a Free Trade Agenda

An employee arranges cotton in a textile factory in Bello, Antioquia province, Colombia (Albeiro Lopera / Courtesy Reuters). In Washington the final negotiations for the three long-awaited free trad…

An employee arranges cotton in a textile factory in Bello, Antioquia province, Colombia (Albeiro Lopera / Courtesy Reuters).

November 1, 2019

The UN Should Speak Up About the Unlawful Detention of Journalists in Nigeria

On the same day that President Buhari spoke, his government ignored a court ruling ordering the release on bail of Mr. Omoyele Sowore, the founder of Sahara Reporters, a New York-based online news website that has reportedly extensively on government corruption in Nigeria. In fact, several Nigerian journalists and activists are unlawfully held in detention by the Nigerian government for reporting on widespread corruption and human rights violations. 

Police officers look on as Nigerians living in South Africa hold placards in protest against President Muhammadu Buhari.