42 Results for:

May 29, 2012

Political Movements
A Syrian Turning Point for Russia?

The weekend massacre near Houla that has galvanized international outrage may spark a stronger Russian stand against the Assad regime, says Syria expert Mona Yacoubian.

March 29, 2017

United States
Hard Power’s Essential Soft Side

President Trump’s proposal to build up the military while slashing funds for diplomacy and foreign assistance misses how “soft power” can advance the national interest, says Joseph S. Nye, who coined…

October 9, 2015

Can Afghan Forces Resist the Taliban?

The battle for Kunduz highlights the military and political challenges facing Afghanistan and the narrowly defined U.S. mission there, says CFR’s Stephen Biddle.

April 1, 2014

Saudi Arabia
Split Persists Between Washington and Riyadh

Despite last week’s fence-mending meeting between President Obama and King Abdullah, serious differences over policy regarding Iran, Syria, and Egypt remain between the United States and Saudi Arabia…

June 20, 2014

A U.S. Playbook For Iraq and Syria

The United States should partner with Iran and Russia in countering Sunni jihadists, the top strategic threat in both Iraq and Syria at the moment, says CFR President Emeritus Leslie H. Gelb.