817 Results for:

May 1, 2017

Venezuela’s Chavez Era

Hugo Chávez assumed Venezuela's presidency in 1999 on a populist platform. But critics say three terms under his "socialist revolution" have made the country increasingly resemble an authoritarian st…

March 5, 2013

Chávez Loses Battle to Cancer

After fourteen years in power, Vice President Nicolás Maduro announced this evening that President Hugo Chávez had lost his long and secretive battle with cancer. Chávez’s legacy will surely be mixed…

chavez dies - LAM

August 14, 2006

United States
Hugo Chavez’s World Tour

In a recent world tour—stops included Belarus, Russia, and Iran—Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez attempted to expand his influence beyond Latin America and capitalize on the leverage afforded by his …

September 23, 2010

Opposition Challenges for Chávez

Venezuela’s National Assembly elections this weekend are a referendum on President Hugo Chávez and a "proxy" for the 2012 presidential elections, says expert Michael McCarthy. They could also bolster…

March 8, 2024

Hafsat Abiola: Invest in Women to Accelerate Progress

The president of Women in Africa (WIA) Initiative, Hafsat Abiola, shares her experiences for International Women’s Day under the theme “Invest in women: Accelerate progress.”

A woman works in a rice mill in Aliade community in the Gwer local government area of the central state of Benue October 4, 2012.