180 Results for:

January 4, 2012

Wars and Conflict
How Serious Are Iran’s Threats?

Iran’s threat to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz is intended to signal its deterrent capacity to the United States and bolster leadership at home amid biting economic sanctions, says expert Mich…

August 18, 2011

Economic Crises
Reviving U.S. Economic Leadership

Amid fears of another global recession, investors are focused on U.S. policymakers. Restoring confidence in the world’s largest economy will require both national sacrifice and innovation--not more F…

June 16, 2011

United States
How to Reverse U.S. Economic Malaise

The U.S. economic recovery has been hit by high unemployment, a widening deficit, and political stalemate over the debt ceiling. CFR’s Michael Spence calls for boosting investment in education and in…

June 7, 2011

Elections and Voting
Peru’s Moment of Opportunity

Ollanta Humala’s victory in Peru’s presidential election should mean continued solid relations with the United States and is an opportunity to further prove that moderate leftism is the consensus mod…

March 4, 2011

Energy and Climate Policy
Oil Price Shocks and Global Recovery

Oil price shocks spurred by Mideast events are unlikely to derail the U.S. economic recovery, says CFR Distinguished Visiting Fellow Michael Spence. But bigger shifts in the global economy will hit U…