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March 11, 2024

Climate Change
A Conversation With Amy Pope

Amy Pope discusses her work as director general of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the UN role in addressing climate mobility, legal frameworks for migration, and the present …

Play Amy Pope, the new Director General of the International Organization of Migration sitting against the backdrop of United Nations logo.

August 29, 2023

The Pope and the Church in Nicaragua

The repression of the Catholic Church in Nicaragua continues to deepen, but Pope Francis has not responded with the levels of support that are needed.

The Pope and the Church in Nicaragua

May 13, 2022

The Power of the Pope

For the past two thousand years, the pope has been a major player in global affairs. He is frequently called upon to act as a peace broker, a mediator, an advocate, and an influencer; and with over 1…

Podcast The pope looks out at a large crowd at Vatican City

March 12, 2021

Middle East and North Africa
The Hard Edge of the Pope’s Moral Power

The pontiff’s Middle Eastern diplomacy may seem superficial, but it could make a huge practical impact.

April 27, 2023

Syria-Turkey Relations, Israel’s Ongoing Domestic Tensions, the Pope Visits Hungary, and More

Iran and Russia aim to broker a rapprochement between Syria and Turkey; the Israeli Knesset begins its summer session in the face of mass protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s proposed…

Podcast A billboard welcomes Pope Francis ahead of his visit to Budapest, Hungary, April 25, 2023. Billboard reads "Welcome, Pope Francis"

January 26, 2023

Central Africa
The Pope Visits the DRC, Tanks for Ukraine, UN Presses Taliban on Women Aid Workers, and More

Pope Francis visits the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan during his fourth visit to Africa; Russia reacts to Western pledges to send tanks to Ukraine; and the United Nations works to …

Podcast ope Francis delivers his Sunday Angelus blessing from the window of his private studio to pilgrims gathered in Saint Peter's Square on January 08, 2023 in Vatican City, Vatican.