528 Results for:

August 26, 2010

Anxious Iraqis Look at Uncertain Future

Iraqis worry that political stalemate, widespread corruption, and weak domestic security forces will plague their country if the U.S. pulls out completely next year, says veteran journalist Jane Arra…

August 28, 2014

Will Shia Divisions Hamstring Iraq?

Haider al-Abadi has unified the country’s Shias, but may struggle to keep their support as he forms a new government and attempts to redress Sunni grievances, says expert Mohamad Bazzi.

June 16, 2014

Is Iraq Headed for Civil War?

Many Iraqis fear their country is sliding toward a wider sectarian war, pitting the Shiite majority against Sunni forces led by jihadi fighters, says expert Jane Arraf.

December 8, 2011

The World Next Week: December 8, 2011

A preview of world events in the coming week from CFR.org: Republican presidential candidates head to Iowa for a debate; President Obama hosts Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki; and Russia is expe…


June 26, 2014

United States
This Week: Iraq Flails, Egypt Punishes, and Israel Searches

Significant Developments Iraq. State television network Iraqiya announced today that the Iraqi parliament will convene Monday to form a new government. Meanwhile, prominent Shia religious leader Moq…

Kurdistan Regional Government President Massoud Barzani greets U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry at the presidential palace in Irbil, the capital of northern Iraq's Kurdistan autonomous region, June 24, 2014. This is the first visit to the Kurdish region by a U.S. Secretary of State since 2006. (Smialowski/Courtesy Reuters).