193 Results for:

May 22, 2006

Emerging Markets
The dollar is still a currency you run to …

At least if you have borrowed dollars to buy stocks in emerging economies that are tanking. The series of crisis that rocked emerging economies in the 1990s were a formative experience for me.   So M…

June 18, 2006

Emerging Markets
A hard landing in 2006 - just not in the US?

Nouriel and I postulated back in early 2005 that there was a meaningful risk that the next “emerging market” crisis might come from the US – and it might come sooner than most expected.   The basic q…

June 26, 2007

Visiting Brazil

I’ve been in Rio de Janeiro these last two days. The police presence in this city is impressive, as the city and state government prepare for the Pan American games in a couple of weeks. Police cars …

November 30, 2007

Calderon's First Year

What a difference a year makes. Just a year ago Mexican President Felipe Calderon’s mandate appeared uncertain following a contested election that gave him a razor-thin winning margin of 250,000 vote…

December 13, 2007

United States
Richard Iley on the US current account deficit

Richard IleyBrad Setser: Richard Iley of BNP Paribas – the author, with Mervyn Lewis, of a new book on the US current account deficit --- doesn’t see the world quite the way I do.   I put a l…
