83 Results for:

December 18, 2004

2004 and 2005 current account deficits

Now that we have three of the four data points for 2004, it is worth trying to make a (well) informed guess about the end of the year current account deficit -- and to peer into 2005. This post of c…

November 15, 2005

RGE Econoblog with Sebastian Mallaby

OK, not a true Wall Street Journal style Econoblog.   But Sebastian Mallaby of the Washington Post noted my response to his October 31st column, and has agreed to allow me to publish our email exchan…

May 3, 2010

Fossil Fuels
Deepwater Horizon in Quantitative Context

I’ve been spending some time this morning trying to understand past estimates of the environmental impacts of oil spills. In the process, I’ve been looking at damage estimates and frequency data…

The Mega Borg

March 25, 2011

Defense and Security
Friday File: Is Operation Odyssey Dawn Going to End Well?

A French fighter jet prepares to land at its military air base on the island of Corsica where France runs its military operation against Libya. (Jean-Paul Pelissier/courtesy Reuters) Above the Fold…

A French fighter jet prepares to land at the military air base on the island of Corsica where France runs its military operation against Libya. (Jean-Paul Pelissier/courtsey Reuters)

March 28, 2011

Defense and Security
TWE Quick Takes: President Obama Speaks About Libya

President Barack Obama walks back to the Oval Office under blooming Cherry Blossoms on March 23, 2011. (Jim Young/courtesy Reuters) If you want to be fully prepared for President Obama’s address to …

President Barack Obama walks back to the Oval Office under blooming Cherry Blossoms on March 23, 2011.